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Resources for Teaching High School Biology

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Who's Your Favorite Science Celebrity?

Celebrities are in the news every day.  They can be media stars, sports heroes, animals, and even politicians.  Some people choose to...

Addressing Misconceptions in Biology

Misconceptions exist in all areas of knowledge: arts and culture, science, technology, mathematics, history, religion, etc.  For example,...

Make Learning Relevant in Biology

When I read the newsfeed on my tablet at night, I usually have one criterion for what I read, and that is: "How does this apply to me?"...

When Should I Teach Nature of Science?

Welcome to teaching Biology…. or Welcome Back to teaching Biology! Should you start the year by teaching Nature of Science and Scientific...

Planning for Biology Labs: Part Two

New to teaching biology? You may have no idea how to prepare and set up a lab activity. If so, this blog is for you. What follows is a...

Planning for Biology Labs, Part One

Hang on…summer break is coming soon! I’m sure you have plans and personal projects you are looking forward to AFTER you recover from a...

Why Study Biology?

This blog may seem out of chronological order, but this is the time when I look back and think about the school year. Did I leave...

Making Connections in Biology

One of the fundamental ways that humans and other animals learn is by making connections. New knowledge is connected with prior knowledge...

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I was looking at some books in a thrift store.... and I came across an old college biology book. It was smaller in size than today’s...

Biology Labs: Choosing Wisely

Most students love “lab” days. They see it as a chance to be active in the classroom, and to work with classmates, and biology teachers...

Promoting Scientific Literacy

That is my motto …no really, I have it on my logo for my TeacherPayTeachers store and as my tagline on my blog. We are falling behind...

No time to write lesson plans?

Do you have enough time to write lessons for your biology classroom? I never did while I was teaching. There was a designated "planning"...

Getting Ready to Teach High School Biology

Start with a curriculum map from your district and lesson plans for the first week. Ahhhh…. summer. When I was teaching, I really looked...

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About Me

Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.


My name is Jane Beebe.  I taught biology for 21 years in Marion County, Florida.  I received a B.S. in Medical Technology from Stetson University in Deland, Florida. My experience in science began in medical technology as a blood bank technologist and clinical microbiologist.  I worked at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta, and then later at Smith-Kline in Atlanta.  I loved this work, but I had always wanted to try teaching, so in the 1980’s I made the career switch and never looked back.  I worked for a few years at the middle school level, then switched to high school.  I began with regular level, then taught honors and AP Biology.  Throughout this time, I continued to take classes and trainings in the field of biology to bring the most up to date information to my classroom.  I cannot emphasize enough how important a good foundation in the sciences is for all students.  This foundation helps them to navigate health and environmental issues both personally, and as a citizen.  

I hope that this blog and the lessons I offer on TeachersPayTeachers assist others in providing a good foundation for their students.

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